Solar power systems are a type of renewable energy system that convert sunlight into electricity through use of solar panels.

Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which are designed to convert sunlight into electricity. When the rays of the sun interact with the photovoltaic cells, a cascade of electrons is liberated, leading to the establishment of a continuous stream of electric current. The electricity generated by the solar panels is then sent to an inverter, which converts the DC electricity produced by the panels into AC electricity that can be used to power homes or businesses. In some cases, solar power systems may also include batteries to store excess electricity generated by the panels during the day for use at night or during periods of low sunlight. This allows solar power systems to provide a reliable source of electricity even when sunlight is not available.

Solar power systems are becoming increasingly popular as a clean and sustainable alternative to traditional fossil fuel-based energy sources. They are also becoming more affordable, making them a viable option for many homeowners and businesses looking to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels and lower their energy costs.



Site survey

A site assessment is conducted to determine the suitability of the rooftop for solar panel installation. Factors such as the roof's orientation, shading, and structural integrity are evaluated.



System design

Based on the site assessment, the solar panel system's design is created, which includes the number of panels, their layout, and the system's electrical components. The system is engineered to meet local building codes and regulations.




The solar panels are installed on the rooftop according to the design and engineering plans. This includes attaching mounting brackets to the roof, installing the solar panels, and connecting them to the electrical components.



Load link-up

Once the solar panel system is installed, it is connected to the power grid through an inverter. The mechanism referred to as the "inverter" is responsible for transforming the direct current (DC) that is produced by the solar panels into an alternating current (AC) that is capable of being utilized by the edifice.


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